Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann
Otto Adolf Eichmannwas a German Nazi SS-Obersturmbannführerand one of the major organisers of the Holocaust. Eichmann was tasked by SS-ObergruppenführerReinhard Heydrich with facilitating and managing the logistics of mass deportation of Jews to ghettos and extermination camps in German-occupied Eastern Europe during World War II. In 1960, he was captured in Argentina by Mossad, Israel's intelligence service. Following a widely publicised trial in Israel, he was found guilty of war crimes and hanged in 1962...
Date of Birth19 March 1906
I witnessed the gruesome workings of the machinery of death; gear meshed with gear, like clockwork,
financed special research institutes investigating lethal gases and methods of execution.
We shall meet again. I have believed in God. I obeyed the laws of war and was loyal to my flag.
I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction.
Adolf Hitler may have been wrong all down the line, but one thing is beyond dispute: the man was able to work his way up from lance corporal in the German Army to Führer of a people of almost 80 million. ... His success alone proved that I should subordinate myself to this man.
I was one of the many horses pulling the wagon and couldn't escape left or right because of the will of the driver.
I never did anything, great or small, without obtaining in advance express instructions from Adolf Hitler or any of my superiors.
Your time will come to follow me Jew
I am certain, however, that those responsible for the murder of millions of Germans will never be brought to justice.
To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing.
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one's own need to think.
My political sentiments inclined toward the left and emphasized the socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalist ones.