African Proverbs

African Proverbs
bird coming ghana proverbs
By coming and going, a bird weaves its nest. Ashanti, Ghana
idle nigeria proverbs
The crows, the idle person grumbles. - Yoruba, Nigeria
cause love proverbs
If there is cause to someone, the cause to love has just begun. - Wolof proverb, Senegal
carrying elephant gets proverbs tired
The elephant never gets tired of carrying its tusks. Vai, Liberia
kenya produced proverbs smoke suffer
You suffer from smoke produced by the firewood you fetched yourself. Luhya, Kenya
proverb proverbs teach traditions
The young can't teach traditions to the old. - Yoruba proverb
cape fine ghana paid proverbs sheep skin stranger
A stranger does not skin a sheep that is paid as a fine at a chief's court. - Cape Coast, Ghana
bound proverbs
If one is roasting two potatoes, one of them is bound to get charred. - Kikuyu, Kenya.
early proverbs rising road
Rising early makes the road short. - Wolof proverb, Senegal
proverbs superior wealth
A man's wealth may be superior to him. Cameroon
proverbs punishment
If your buttocks burn, you know you have done wrong.
donkey knows proverbs
A donkey knows no gratitude. - (Knappert, p. 138, Swahili)
lion proverbs roaring
He flees from the roaring lion to the crouching lion. Sechuana
falls proverbs rain
God's rain falls even on the . - Fipa, Tanzania