Angelus Silesius

Angelus Silesius
Angelus Silesius, born Johann Scheffler and also known as Johann Angelus Silesius, was a German Catholic priest and physician, known as a mystic and religious poet. Born and raised a Lutheran, he adopted the name Angelusand the epithet Silesiuson converting to Catholicism in 1653. While studying in the Netherlands, he began to read the works of medieval mystics and became acquainted with the works of the German mystic Jacob Böhme through Böhme's friend, Abraham von Franckenberg. Silesius's mystical beliefs caused...
Date of Birth25 December 1624
Nothing can throw thee into the infernal abyss so much as this detested word -- heed well! -- this mine and thine.
Paradise is at your own center; unless you find it there, there is no way to enter.
The rose is without 'why'; it blooms simply because it blooms. It pays no attention to itself, nor does it ask whether anyone sees it.
God does not care what good you did, but why you did it. He does not grade the fruit but probes the core and tests the root.
Do not seek God in outer space-- Your heart is the only place in which to meet Him face to face.
If in your heart you make a manger for his birth then God will once again become a child on earth.
A monk asks:Is there anything more miraculous than the wonders of nature?The master answers:Yes, your awareness of the wonders of nature.
Love is difficult, because loving is not enough: We must, like God, ourselves be Love.
Springtime is at hand. When will you ever bloom, if not here and now?
God never does withdraw; His works come to no halt; If you don't feel His force, yourself must be at fault.
Christ could be born a thousand times in Galilee - but all in vain until He is born in me.
God, whose love and joy are present everywhere, can't come to visit you unless you aren't there.
We keep so busy talking we are so keen to act that we forget that in the heart lies all we need untapped, intact.
Nothing can throw thee into the infernal abyss so much as this detested word - heed well! - this mine and thine.