Cofer Black

Cofer Black
Joseph Cofer Blackis a former CIA official who was appointed Ambassador at Large and Coordinator for Counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002. He led the Office of Counterterrorism in the U.S. State Department until his resignation in November 2004. Previously Black had a 28-year career in the Directorate of Operations at the Central Intelligence Agency. He was appointed Director of the CIA's Counterterrorist Centerin June 1999. Black later became the CEO of The Black Group, a private...
ProfessionPublic Servant
CountryUnited States of America
a second-tier guy but one who knows things.
These groups may decide that this is a good target date to look toward in all democracies.
We have 18 more total events, five more significant events and 13 more nonsignificant events than originally reported. These new figures are accompanied by a dramatic increase in the numbers of casualties originally calculated.
We operate under the law. Covert action authorities are communicated in a memorandum of notification.
As long as there are people who are not happy with their lot in life, as long as the United States is perceived to somehow be the cause of this unhappiness, there will be terrorism.
We have to be mindful that there is the certainty that terrorists will attempt to launch multiple attacks against their enemy, which is us and our allies.
Cyber will be part of any future conflict -- whether it's a nation state or terrorism,
Osama bin Laden's own words stated he has a war against the United States. He declared that American civilians should be considered as combatants.
We worked to develop our own operations to advance U.S. counterterrorism objectives by penetrating terrorist safe havens and collecting intelligence that would inform policy and enable our own operations.
The United States government does not negotiate with terrorists.
I was an intelligence officer, not a policy-maker.
The plan we developed to deal with al Qaeda depended on developing sources of human and technical intelligence that could give us insights into his plans at the tactical level. This is easy to say but hard to accomplish.