David Kim

David Kim
David Kim is a violinist born in Carbondale, Illinois and was the only American to win a prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow in 1986, where he got sixth prize. Since 1999, he has been the concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Kim is an active musician, performing with orchestras in Dallas, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, Korea, and Moscow...
Date of Birth24 May 1963
motivation thinking community
When we think about our work it deals with our motivations, our desires, our sense of security, purpose, and status. Our work deals with a whole host of relationships. Work impacts the flourishing of individuals, communities, and nations.
reality people world
One reason why people find applying the Bible to work so difficult is that the world of Scriptures seems so distant from our modern world today. Many established realities we encounter daily, like non-profit and for-profit corporations, did not exist in the ancient world.
The gospel changes how we view and work with others in a way that both humanizes our interactions with them and empowers them to work well.
grateful technology people
If there's an Internet signal, people will always have access to God's Word and for that I'm profoundly grateful for the technology and people who've made this access to life-giving words possible.
teaching unique
One of the unique aspects of the Bible is that it is primarily a story illustrated by teaching and not primarily teaching illustrated by story.
purpose kind
On the flip side, when we connect our work with a greater sense of purpose and calling beyond the paycheck, we begin to see the kind of flourishing that we were called to create.
political influence economic
Economic and political structures that have a far sweeping impact on the lives of billions is not outside the purview of the gospel's redemptive influence.
encouragement people purpose
When the gospel enters our work in a robust way, there's a deep encouragement and renewed sense of purpose that people begin to experience sometimes for the first time.
expectations assumption
All work flows from some underlying assumptions, and the content of that faith can dramatically change our expectations for our work.
thinking world today
When we think of our world today with all of its interconnectedness and complexities, the scope of gospel renewal includes systems and structures that are far beyond what we might consider day-to-day.
soul dying
We may get a paycheck, but over time what we sense is the dying of our souls.
world hopefully
The gospel impacts the way we do our work in ways that hopefully brings a greater flourishing to our world.
moving people profound
The gospel moves us to see others as people created in God's image and that can have a profound impact on people's productivity and work satisfaction.
people vision scripture
People not only need a gospel-inspired vision of work, but they need a new vision of the Scriptures.