Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce
Edgar Caycewas an American Christian mystic who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while in a trance. A biographer gave him the nickname, "The Sleeping Prophet." A nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce's work. A hospital and a university were also established...
Date of Birth18 March 1877
CityHopkinsville, KY
CountryUnited States of America
What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.
One who changes a body from the error of the way not only brings peace and harmony but saves a soul and covers a multitude of shortcomings.
For, know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. Meet it now!
The ultimate purpose of our life is to rejoin God in conscious participation of divinity.
Astrology is a fact, in most instances. But astrological aspects are but signs, symbols. No influence is of greater value or of greater help than the will of an individual.... Do not attempt to be guided by, but use the astrological influences as the means to meet or to overcome the faults and failures, or to minimize the faults and to magnify the virtues in self.
Peace must begin within self before there can come action or self application in a way to bring peace-even in thine own household, in thine own vicinity, in thine own state or nation.
Know this: that whatever situation you find yourself in, it is what is necessary for your development. An entity must apply in its associations from day to day a word here and a word there, one today, another tomorrow, and the next day, with the understanding that from such activities in word and deed, self-development will come... When an entity has prepared itself through constant forward movement towards service, the necessary circumstances for change will come about so that he may see the next step, the next opportunity... Haste not and be not over-anxious; for is not the whole of the building of His making?
Man's origin was as spirit, not a physical body. These souls projected themselves into matter, probably for their own diversion. Through the use of his creative powers for selfish purposes, man became entangled in matter and materiality to such an extent that he nearly forgot his divine origin and nature.
Know that all healing forces are within, not without! The applications from without are merely to create within a coordinating mental and spiritual force.
Make the world a better place because you have lived in it.
A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.
Anyone can find fault. It is the wise person who finds that which encourages another in the turmoils and strifes of the day.
Keep the Pineal Gland operating and you will Never grow Old, You will always be Young.
Be a light unto others, not boastful of self.