George Combe

George Combe
George Combewas the leader of – and the spokesman for – the phrenological movement for more than twenty years. He founded the Edinburgh Phrenological Society in 1820 and was the author of the highly influential The Constitution of Man. Combe trained in Scots law and had an Edinburgh solicitor's practice. In his later years, after a successful marriage in 1833, Combe devoted himself to international travel in the promotion of phrenology...
Date of Birth21 October 1788
CountryUnited States of America
In Scotland, writers to the signet, whose chief occupation lies in conducting litigations, are men whose natural qualities fit them for this duty.
It used to be said of this man that he would gain any case that was in itself debateable, and depended on evidence, if he got money enough.
This class of writers comes most into contact with the barristers, because almost the exclusive occupation of the latter is to conduct litigation.
If he had resisted he would have been slain in an instant. This, and the success of the Quakers, however, is obviously peculiar.
The friends whom I have are invaluable, and although not numerous they are sufficient for my enjoyment; and the texture of my own mind renders me very indifferent to the rest of the world.
While some of them acknowledge the obligation of natural morality in their mode of conducting their cases, and preserve their individual character as gentlemen, there are others who acknowledge no law, human or divine, but the law of Scotland.
While some animals exhibit individual powers in higher perfection, man stands for their superior, not only in combining in his own body all the senses and faculties which they possess, but in being endowed with moral and intellectual powers which are denied to them, and which at once place him at the head of the living creation, and constitute him a moral, religious, intelligent, and responsible being.
And if these be unprincipled agents who scruple at nothing, he will be a bold man who will deny that there are always to be found men at the bar who lend their services most cordially to back and support these agents in their most desperate cases.