Jennifer Armintrout

Jennifer Armintrout
Jennifer Armintroutis an American author best known for a series of urban fantasy novels known as the Blood Ties series, published by Mira Books. The books chronicle the life of Dr. Carrie Ames, an emergency room doctor who must adapt to life as a vampire after being attacked by one of her patients. Armintrout's Blood Ties series has been published in five countries, with the first volume making USA Today's top 150 book list. Armintrout also publishes erotica under the...
Date of Birth11 July 1980
CountryUnited States of America
Social media reactions to celebrity death have taken on a predictable pattern: an outpouring of shock with expressions of grief, followed by a ghoulish need to know all the details, to see the scene of the death and the family in mourning. Then a post-mortem dissection of all the perceived flaws the celebrity had.
It's far easier to brush off death if the death in question seems impossible or improbable as a personal threat.
Move over, Helen of Troy; Jenny Trout is going to wage a war on good health and fit bodies!
If I venture into the water in a bikini, the sight of my melanin-deficient Michigan belly might attract beluga whales. Sure, I could secretly live among them and learn their ancient ways, but I couldn't keep that kind of ruse up forever.
Every child deserves to see themselves in stories they can enjoy, but it isn't the place of white people to decide how and why those stories are created and marketed.
Hugh Howey and Amanda Hocking come to mind immediately as authors who managed to build a successful following without the initial support of a large publisher.
The attitude of, 'I will never self-publish,' coming from any author, indicates that they have never been in a position where it is their only option.
When Jennifer Lawrence says it's 'dumb' to go hungry to make other people happy, she's saying it with the carefree attitude of a woman who probably will never have to make that choice to conform.
Strength isn't about bearing a cross of grief or shame. Strength comes from choosing your own path, and living with the consequences.
I'd never been a good damsel in distress. I was a "hands-on" damsel.
As white authors, bloggers, and readers, we must stop promoting diversity as a business opportunity or a chance to buy ally points with our disposable income.
Movies like 'The Interview' and 'Team America: World Police' don't often show the realities of life in North Korea and the human rights violations perpetrated by the government there.
Writers generally get into writing because they want to write, not because they want to be independent publishers, and you can't really fault someone for saying, 'What I'm doing right now works, so there's no reason to change it.'
If you're afraid of something, face it. Fear is irrational. The only way to conquer your fear is to stand next to it.