John Adams

John Adams
John Adamswas an American lawyer, author, statesman, and diplomat. He served as the second President of the United States, the first Vice President, and as a Founding Father was a leader of American independence from Great Britain. Adams was a political theorist in the Age of Enlightenment who promoted republicanism and a strong central government. His innovative ideas were frequently published. He was also a dedicated diarist and correspondent, particularly with his wife and key advisor Abigail...
Date of Birth30 October 1735
CountryUnited States of America
We've seen bobcats. We've seen what I call a mountain lion, down in town. And, last year, we caught 16 copperheads and two rattlesnakes.
Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.
I have lived long enough, and had experience enough of the conduct of governments and people, nations and courts, to be convinced that gratitude, friendship, unsuspecting confidence, and all the amiable passions in human nature, are the most dangerou
The insanity defense is so rooted in our common law as to be protected under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.
My fixed principle never to be the tool of any man, nor the partisan of any nation, would forever exclude me from the smiles and favors or courts
I know not whether any man in the world has had more influence on its inhabitants or affairs for the last 30 years than Tom Paine.
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
I made the four minutes of the prelude entirely with the sound of hand-tools. At one point it sounds to me like you're inside an electron accelerator. And I've used recordings made by US Marines in 1945 in the Pacific Ocean, which give an idea of the sound and texture of that time.
Birth and wealth together have prevailed over virtue and talent in all ages
It has escaped no one's attention that celebrating Minimalism in the context of a symphony orchestra is admittedly a problematic fit. Most of the best Minimalist music is not scored for conventional orchestra. But the Los Angeles Philharmonic, being an orchestra that is not only a hundred-piece ensemble but also an amalgam of distinct, highly talented performers, found many ways to make a successful survey of this magnitude.
It really crackles back and forth with dialogue, especially in the first act, where people really scream at one another, as they should.
Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye, ear and imagination -- everything which can charm and bewitch the simple and ignorant. I wonder how Luther ever broke the spell.
This is an awesome subject that can't be dealt with in a rational way. It's about flesh-and-blood people screaming at each other and loving one another.