Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell
Joslin "Josh" McDowellis a Christian apologist, evangelist, and writer. He is within the Evangelical tradition of Protestant Christianity, and is the author or co-author of some 115 books. His best-known book is Evidence That Demands a Verdict, which was ranked 13th in Christianity Today's list of most influential evangelical books published after World War II. Other well-known titles are More Than a Carpenter, A Ready Defense and Right from Wrong...
Date of Birth17 August 1939
CountryUnited States of America
By the end of the 1 9th century, however, archaeological discoveries had confirmed the accuracy of the New Testament manuscripts.
From that foundation, Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and has continued to exert great influence down through the centuries.
The biggest threat of course is flash flooding. This is a very wet storm, it's going to drop a lot of rain.
But Jesus claimed to be God. He claimed that unless we are personally related to Him we are still in our sins and we are not saved.
On December 19, 1959, at 8:30 at night I placed my trust in Christ as Savior and Lord and asked Him to come into my life and forgive me.
If you look at cosmology, which is the study of the origin of the universe, whatever begins to exist, has a cause. Scientists now believe, the universe must've had a cause. The implication of that cause must be very powerful, very intelligent, immaterial, and beyond time.
The writers of the four Gospels either had themselves been witnesses or else were relating the accounts of eyewitnesses of the actual events.
I am not a Christian because God changed my life; I am a Christian because of my convictions about who Jesus Christ is.
One who claimed what Jesus claimed about himself couldn't be a good moral man or a prophet. That option isn't open to us, and Jesus never intended it to be.
The Christian faith is faith in Christ. Its value or worth is not in the one believing but in the One believed - not in the one trusting, but in the One trusted.
My father's life was changed right before my eyes [when he trusted Christ]. It was like someone reached down and switched on a light inside him. He touched alcohol only once after that. He got the drink only as far as his lips and that was it-after forty years of drinking! He didn't need it any more. Fourteen months later, he died form complications of his alcoholism. But in that fourteen-month period over a hundred people in the area around my tiny hometown committed their lives to Jesus Christ because of the change they saw in the town drunk, my dad.
Prayer is talking with God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart.
After I set out to refute Christianity intellectually and couldn't, I came to the conclusion the Bible was true and Jesus Christ was God's Son.
True love is spelled G-I-V-E. It is not based on what you can get, but rooted in what you can give to the other person....