
UJetsun Milarepais generally considered one of Tibet's most famous yogis and poets. He was a student of Marpa Lotsawa, and a major figure in the history of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism...
morning strong feelings
Osho resumed the discourses a few days after returning to the ashram and I had a strong feeling there should be music for them. I had already seen in Uruguay how well it complemented the meetings, providing a joyous backdrop to the things he was speaking about. So I asked through his secretary what he would like to have happen and he sent the message that yes, he wanted music for the discourses, Indian in the morning and Western in the evening, and that I should coordinate both. And so began the Osho Institute of Music and Celebration.
morning writing unique
Every morning after discourse, I would take an hour to be alone and write. Very soon I realized what a unique opportunity it was to everyday expose myself and get Osho's immediate feedback. Sometimes he would accept my questions, sometimes he would reject them.
morning water important
As the days went by, I began to feel [Osho] steering me deeper into uncharted waters of myself by the ones he chose, and equally important by the ones he rejected. Each new morning, as I would prepare fresh questions, I would say to myself, "OK, he chose this one yesterday and rejected that one. Hmm ... so perhaps this is the direction I should take." As the days went by, I felt he was leading me into the unknown, introducing me to new dimensions, previously unexplored areas, of my being, taking me always deeper and deeper into myself.
I had been at the Ranch about a year when we opened a nightclub in Portland, Oregon called Zorba the Buddha, where I played in a band every week for one-and-a-half years.
In 1980, Osho left India for America. I, like many other sannyasins, moved to Oregon where work had begun on the 'new commune'. Osho named it Rajneeshpuram.
It felt more than enough just to be in the [Osho] presence.
waiting flight boundaries
I was in England waiting for a flight to India, when I received a message from Shunyo (already in Bombay at this point) that Osho had answered one of my questions during the previous night's discourse. On hearing this, I experienced a love that knows no boundaries, no time.
[Osho] discourses took on more and more the flavor of Zen and it was clear he wanted each of us to become our own individual, not dependent on anybody else. Including him! Nor dependent on anything, even the Commune.
gratitude giving joy
[Osho] knows our love arises from very deep feelings of gratitude. He knows we only want to do our best, to give our best to him, all that we are capable of, as this is our joy.
rumor tease
Osho reported at the end of discourse he had heard a rumor I was going to England. When asked by someone what he thought he said, "All I can say is God save the Queen." Osho certainly loved to tease me.
laughing advice trying
Osho would do mischievous things like sign my name to someone else's question. Or take my question and sign it with someone else's name! Sometimes he would laugh just hearing my name read. At other times, he would appear stern and administer a 'hit'. I could never predict what he was going to do, nor how he would react. Want some advice? Never try to second-guess the master.
By late 1989, the Commune was flowering again in all dimensions. Like a rainbow.
sometimes mice
Sometimes I experienced [Osho] like a lion, playing with me, a small mouse.
fun black beard
In Los Angeles, I had shaved my beard and dyed my hair black just for a change, to have some fun.