Samuel E. Morison

Samuel E. Morison
Samuel Eliot Morison,was an American historian noted for his works of maritime history and American history that were both authoritative and highly popular. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1912, and taught history at the university for 40 years. He won Pulitzer Prizes for Admiral of the Ocean Sea, a biography of Christopher Columbus, and John Paul Jones: A Sailor's Biography. In 1942, he was commissioned to write a history of United States naval operations in World War...
Date of Birth9 July 1887
CountryUnited States of America
In any case, his judgment and set of values, acting alone or through his assistants, determine not only what is gold and what is dross but the design of the history which he creates out of the metal. The historian decides what is significant, and what is not.
If a lecturer, he wishes to be heard; if a writer, to be read. He always hopes for a public beyond that of the long-suffering wife.
Any child knows that history can only be a reduced representation of reality, but it must be a true one, not distorted by queer lenses.
Historical methodology, as I see it, is a product of common sense applied to circumstances.
Intellectual honesty is the quality that the public in free countries always has expected of historians; much more than that it does not expect, nor often get.
Courses on historical methodology are not worth the time that they take up. I shall never give one myself, and I have observed that many of my colleagues who do give such courses refrain from exemplifying their methods by writing anything.
The same contingencies of time and space that force a statesman or soldier to make decisions, impel the historian, though with less urgency, to make up his mind.
Every historian with professional standards speaks or writes what he believes to be true.
Throughout this evolution from left to right, Beard always detested war. Hence his writings were slanted to show that the military side of history was insignificant or a mere reflection of economic forces.
Too rigid specialization is almost as bad for a historian's mind, and for his ultimate reputation, as too early an indulgence in broad generalization and synthesis.