Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Sherrilyn Kenyonis a bestselling US writer. Under her own name she writes urban fantasy, and is best known for her Dark Hunter series. Under the pseudonym Kinley MacGregor she wrote historicals also with paranormal elements. Kenyon's novels have an "international following" with over 30 million copies in print in over 100 countries. Under both names, her books have appeared at the top of the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today lists, and they are frequent bestsellers in Germany,...
CountryUnited States of America
Sherrilyn Kenyon quotes about
I'm not sure I know what "normal" is.
We don't have to surrender our souls or our compassion.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I thought you were the most powerful of beings. Even the gods fear you. (Stryker) We all have predators. The entire universe exists in a system of checks and balances. I just met my zero balance. (War) Are you honestly telling me that the most powerful creature on this planet is a pathetic Cajun guttersnipe who offed himself because one of my men killed his mommy? (Stryker)
It's the lack of humanity in the human psyche that haunts me. The hypocrisy. How people as a group can take something like tolerance and contort it into a new form of intolerance and conformity. The way humanity can justify any kind of evil.
I admire anyone who can walk across a stage to the mic and not trip.
It's easy to misjudge others.
If I could have one wish, it would be for people to look at one another with open hearts and minds. Most of all, to look at each other with compassion. No matter who they are.
The one thing I try to do with everything I write is open people's eyes to those they normally ignore or dismiss. To make people aware of the "other" side of things. That someone's circumstances may not be what you think they are or what they show to the world.
Safe. No one ever is. No matter how hard we try. No matter how much we plan and prepare. There will always be an enemy at the door and a storm trying to knock us down. Life's not about security. It's about picking up the peices after it's all over and carrying on.
Shut up, already. Just once, could I get a demon with no vocal cords? (Anonymous) At least they’re not puking on us this time. (Wynter) Small favor that. (Anonymous)
What does this Daimon look like? (Xedrix) He’s tall and blond. (Kyle) Well, that narrows it down to every Daimon here except Stryker. What would that be? Several thousand of them? Could you be a bit more specific and if you tell me he was dressed in black, I’ll kill you myself and spare me the agony of dying. (Xedrix)
What do you want exactly? (Fang) An end to the mistreatment of small, fluffy dust bunnies. (Thorn)
A what? (Fang) Badass demon with a superiority complex who picks his teeth with bones of infants. Let’s just keep it simple and say he’s a demon I want out of the human realm. ASAP. (Thorn)
I can tell we’re going to get along like Batman and the Joker. (Fang) Just remember one thing, world. I’m the best friend you’ll ever have or the last enemy you’ll ever make. (Thorn)