Walter Dean Myers

Walter Dean Myers
Walter Dean Myerswas an American writer of children's books best known for young adult literature. He wrote more than one hundred books including picture books and nonfiction. He won the Coretta Scott King Award for African-American authors five times. His 1988 novel Fallen Angels is one of the books most frequently challenged in the U.S. because of its adult language and its realistic depiction of the Vietnam War...
Date of Birth12 August 1937
CountryUnited States of America
I would enjoy having dinner with the poet/playwright Derek Walcott.
As a writer, I absorb stories, allow them to churn within my own head and heart - often for years - until I find a way of telling them that fits both my time and temperament.
And what I was feeling was the wonder Of being more than me, of being more Than mere here and now allowed I had become a shining star, a burning nova Exploded with love Flying through an endlessly Expanding universe Away from the me that was Toward a me that is beyond Understanding.
On the streets of the city They have taken my Who-I-Am As well as my What-I-Was And now I am desperate for them both Again
Drew, your enemies can mess your life up,' he said. 'Or they can make it easy for you to do it to yourself.' —Fletch
If you know you don't have a win, then there's no use for you being in the game.
I like people who take responsibility for their lives.
My dad was a janitor for U.S. Radium Corporation, and he stayed there for 37 years. So he didn't read.
As a child I wanted to be a professional athlete or lawyer.
My life is not packaged, Not tidy. There are leftover strands and jagged Edges that cut even my friends.
I'm not out here looking for no garbage cans to curl up in. I'm looking for the same good dreams everybody else is hoping for, but I don't see where they are. Or maybe I see where they are, but I don't see how to get there.
I know I'm tired of thinking about what I should have done yesterday. I know I'm just tired. If I knew what to do with my life, how to fix it up, I would have done it a long time ago. You can't dig that? You think I want to live like I'm somebody's throwaway?
Looks to me like you've been making garbage for a while and dragging it with you. Now you need to get out of here, and that garbage is weighing you down.
But now, like a fallen sparrow On a golden chain, I'm forever bound in shadow, A prisoner to my pain.