Quotes about children
children mirrors childhood
Childhood is like a mirror, which reflects in after life the images first presented to it. Samuel Smiles
children tree firsts
A fig-tree looking on a fig-tree becometh fruitful," says the Arabian proverb. And so it is with children; their first great instructor is example. Samuel Smiles
children issues mind
The tiniest bits of opinion sown in the minds of children in private life afterwards issue forth to the world, and become its public opinion; for nations are gathered out of nurseries. Samuel Smiles
children mirrors afterlife
Childhood is like a mirror, which reflects in afterlife the images first presented to it. The first thing continues forever with the child. The first joy, the first sorrow, the first success, the first failure, the first achievement, the first misadventure, paint the foreground of his life. Samuel Smiles
children women evil
Commit a child to the care of a worthless, ignorant woman, and no culture in after-life will remedy the evil you have done. Samuel Smiles
children character eye
So much does the moral health depend upon the moral atmosphere that is breathed, and so great is the influence daily exercised by parents over their children by living a life before their eyes, that perhaps the best system of parental instruction might be summed up in these two words: 'Improve thyself.' Samuel Smiles
children emotional long
It has always seemed to me that the only painless death must be that which takes the intelligence by violent surprise and from the rear so to speak since if death be anything at all beyond a brief and peculiar emotional state of the bereaved it must be a brief and likewise peculiar state of the subject as well and if aught can be more painful to any intelligence above that of a child or an idiot than a slow and gradual confronting with that which over a long period of bewilderment and dread it has been taught to regard as an irrevocable and unplumbable finality, I do not know it. William Faulkner
children ignorance mean
When grown people speak of the innocence of children, they don't really know what they mean. Pressed, they will go a step further and say, Well, ignorance then. The child is neither. There is no crime which a boy of eleven had not envisaged long ago. His only innocence is, he may not yet be old enough to desire the fruits of it ... his ignorance is, he does not know how to commit it. William Faulkner
children pride motherhood
That was when I learned that words are no good; that words dont ever fit even what they are trying to say at. When he was born I knew that motherhood was invented by someone who had to have a word for it because the ones that had the children didn't care whether there was a word for it or not. I knew that fear was invented by someone that had never had the fear; pride, who never had the pride. William Faulkner
children stress healing
Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardships in a child's life. You'll likely never see a slick commercial for nature therapy, as you do for the latest antidepressant pharmaceuticals. But parents, educators, and health workers need to know what a useful antidote to emotional and physical stress nature can be. Especially now. Richard Louv
children believe loss
A widening circle of researchers believes that the loss of natural habitat, or the disconnection from nature even when it is available, has enormous implications for human health and child development. They say the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level. Richard Louv
children reality ideas
Nature introduces children to the idea—to the knowing—that they are not alone in this world, and that realities and dimensions exist alongside their own. Richard Louv
children heart passion
Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature. Richard Louv
children parent peers
We do not raise our children alone.... Our children are also raised by every peer, institution, and family with which they come in contact. Yet parents today expect to be blamed for whatever results occur with their children, and they expect to do their parenting alone. Richard Louv
children memories future
When we raise our children, we relive our childhood. Forgotten memories, painful and pleasurable, rise to the surface.... So each of us thinks, almost daily, of how our own childhood compares with our children's, and of what our children's future will hold. Richard Louv
children rocks fishing
Leave part of the yard rough. Don't manicure everything. Small children in particular love to turn over rocks and find bugs, and give them some space to do that. Take your child fishing. Take your child on hikes. Richard Louv
children world adults
In nature, a child finds freedom, fantasy, and privacy: a place distant from the adult world, a separate peace. Richard Louv
children sleep needs
As one scientist puts it, we can now assume that just as children need good nutrition and adequate sleep, they may very well need contact with nature. Richard Louv
children eye cities
If we desire a kinder nation, seeing it through the eyes of children is an eminently sensible endeavor: A city that is pro-child,for example, is also a more humane place for adults. Richard Louv
children parent understanding
Here is the beginning of understanding: most parents are doing their best, and most children are doing their best, and they're doing pretty well, all things considered. Richard Louv
children moving self-confidence
Natural play strengthens children's self-confidence and arouses their senses-their awareness of the world and all that moves in it, seen and unseen. Richard Louv
children stress emotional
As the nature deficit grows, another emerging body of scientific evidence indicates that direct exposure to nature is essential for physical and emotional health. For example, new studies suggest that exposure to nature may reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and that it can improve all children's cognitive abilities and resistance to negative stresses and depression. Richard Louv
children class appreciate
Every child needs nature. Not just the ones with parents who appreciate nature. Not only those of a certain economic class or culture or set of abilities. Every child. Richard Louv
children ideas fundamentals
The children and nature movement is fueled by this fundamental idea: the child in nature is an endangered species, and the health of children and the health of the Earth are inseparable. Richard Louv
children responsibility average
The average American is just like the child in the family. You give him some responsibility and he is going to amount to something. He is going to do something. If, on the other hand, you make him completely dependent and pamper him and cater to him too much, you are going to make him soft, spoiled and eventually a very weak individual. Richard M. Nixon
children average
The average American is just like the child in the family. Richard M. Nixon
children italian what-matters
I see the face of a child. He lives in a great city. He is black. Or he is white. He is Mexican, Italian, Polish. None of that matters. What matters, he's an American child. Richard M. Nixon
children innocence innocent
We have obligations towards the innocent, the dead, towards the living, towards our children and their children. Ricardo Lagos
children doors doe
That's one thing I find about having children - it does unlock a door that separates you from other women who've had children. Rebecca Miller
children thinking animal
I've always been fascinated by the way that children and animals suffer stoically in a way that I don't think adults do. Rebecca Miller
children passion unique
You can only have one first born child. You may love all your children deeply and with passion, but there is something unique about the first born. Raymond E. Feist
children character wife
Divorced, not loving their abandoned children as much as they loathe their former wives, directing a combination of need and hostility toward the women who drift in and out of their new lives, they are, as [one character] puts it, "involved in a variety of pharmaceutical experiments. Richard Schickel
children book people
Librarians lend people books from the library. The best librarians are children's book librarians. Richard Scarry