Quotes about fun
funny baseball humor
McCovey swings and misses, and it's fouled back. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
The big ballpark can do it all! Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
We started with 53,000 people. Half are gone, but surprisingly, most are still here! Jerry Coleman
funny baseball hurt
Benedict may not be as hurt as he really is. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Enos Cabell started out here with the Astros, and before that he was with the Orioles. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
It's a base hit on the error by Roberts. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Even though the ball was doubled, they got it anyway. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Ozzie makes a leaping, diving stop, shovels to Fernando and everybody drops everything. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
From the way Denny's shaking his head, he's either got an injured shoulder or a gnat in his eye. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
If ever an error had "F" written on it, that grounder did. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Many people think the Cards at the end of the wire will cross the finish line first. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Kent Abbott is in the on-deck circuit. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Whenever you get an inflamed tendon, you've got a problem. OK, here's the next pitch to Gene Tendon. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
That noise in my earphones knocked my nose off and I had to pick it up and find it. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Gonzo leaps like a giraffe and grabs it. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
He can be lethal death. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball baby
If Rose's streak was still intact, with that single to left, the fans would be throwing babies out of the upper deck. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
There is someone warming up in the Giants' bullpen, but he's obscured by his number. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Edwards missed getting Stearns at third base by an eyeball. Jerry Coleman
funny running baseball
That's Hendrick's 19th home run. One more and he reaches double figures. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
The first pitch to Tucker Ashford is grounded into left field. No, wait a minute. It's ball one. Low and outside. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Montreal leads Atlanta by three, 5-1. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
That's the fourth extra base hit for the Padres - two doubles and a triple. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
And it's a long drive down the line to centerfield. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Well, I hope before Glenn goes, he'll come up here so we can give him a big hug and a kiss, because that's the kind of guy he is. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
There's a shot up the alley. Oh, it's just foul. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Davis fouls out to third in fair territory. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball rain
The game in St. Louis has been halted in the fourth inning because of rain. I'll bet they have the jacuzzis going there. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
Over the course of a season, a miscue will cost you more than a good play. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
You walk into the locker room, and you see players with their ripping muscles and stomachs you could wash your clothes in. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
That big guy, Winfield, at 6'6", can do things only a small man can do. Jerry Coleman
funny baseball humor
I like to use big words so people will think I know what I'm talking about. Jerry Coleman