Quotes about love
love life relationship
I wish all teenagers can filter through songs instead of turning to drugs and alcohol. Taylor Swift
love inspirational life
I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
If you cry over a guy, then your friends can't date him. It can't even be considered. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
Just be yourself, there is no one better. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves. They'll judge it like they know about me and you. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
giving up doesn't always mean your weak sometimes your just strong enough to let go Taylor Swift
love inspirational life
I'm intimidated by the fear of being average. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
For me, when I picture the person I want to end up with, I don't think about what their career is, or what they look like. I picture the feeling I get when I'm with them. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
I know my flaws before other people point them out to me. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
The lesson I've learned the most often in life is that you're always going to know more in the future than you know now. Taylor Swift
love inspirational life
To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
People haven't always been there for me, but music always has. Taylor Swift
love-you thinking feel-good
Feel good about being someone who loves selflessly. I think someday you’ll find someone who loves you the exact same way. Taylor Swift
love life relationship
There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team. Taylor Swift
love heartbreak song
you're an expert at sorry and keeping the lines blurry Taylor Swift
love life relationship
Your lucky enough to be different, never change Taylor Swift
love life relationship
No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. Taylor Swift
love relationship lust
Lust is what keeps you wanting to do it even when you have no desire to be with each other. Love is what makes you want to be with each other even when you have no desire to do it. Judith Viorst
love marriage funny-valentines-day
One advantage of marriage is that, when you fall out of love with him or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until you fall in again. Judith Viorst
love-you forever said
I love you, Michael Wagner.” “Forever?” he asked. “Forever,” I said. Judy Blume
love-you love-is giving
True love is spelled G-I-V-E. It is not based on what you can get, but rooted in what you can give to the other person.... Josh McDowell
love giving development
How do you spell love?... when you reach the point where the happiness, security and development of another person is as much of a driving force to you as your own happiness, security, and development, then you have a mature love. True love is spelled G-I-V-E. It is not based on what you can get, but rooted in what you can give to the other person. Josh McDowell
love men despair
I can't tell if a straw ever saved a drowning man, but I know that a mere glance is enough to make dspair pause. For in truth, we who are creatures of impulse, are creatures of despair. Joseph Conrad
love heart men
I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back any more /the feeling that I could last for ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vain effort /to death; the triumphant conviction of strength, the heat of life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart that with every year grows dim, grows cold, grows small, and expires /and expires, too soon, too soon /before life itself Joseph Conrad
love real men
A man's real life is that accorded to him in the thoughts of other men by reason of respect or natural love. Joseph Conrad
love life trust
Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life. Joseph Conrad
love art inspiration
There is a subtle and unmistakable touch of love and pride, beyond mere skill, almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art - which is art. Joseph Conrad
love dream fall
A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea. If he tries to climb out into the air as inexperienced people endeavor to do, he drowns. Joseph Conrad
love sweet commitment
Intimacy without commitment, like icing without cake, can be sweet, but it ends up making us sick. Joshua Harris
love world miserable
What a miserable world!--trouble if we love, and trouble if we do not love. Joseph de Maistre
love pain punishment
All pain is a punishment, and every punishment is inflicted for love as much as for justice. Joseph de Maistre
love men people
Man is insatiable for power; he is infantile in his desires and, always discontented with what he has, loves only what he has not. People complain of the despotism of princes; they ought to complain of the despotism of man. Joseph de Maistre