Quotes about memories
memories our-memories
That translucent alabaster of our memories. Marcel Proust
memories hands drug
We are able to find everything in our memory, which is like a dispensary or chemical laboratory in which chance steers our hand sometimes to a soothing drug and sometimes to a dangerous poison. Marcel Proust
memories sight ideas
We exist only by virtue of what we possess, we possess only what is really present to us, and many of our memories, our moods, our ideas sail away on a voyage of their own until they are lost to sight! Then we can no longer take them into account in the total which is our personality. But they know of secret paths by which to return to us. Marcel Proust
memories reality paradoxical
How paradoxical it is to search reality for the pictures that are stored in one's memory. Marcel Proust
memories real imagination
It is the wicked deception of love that it begins by making us dwell not upon a woman in the outside world but upon a doll inside our head, the only woman who is always available in fact, the only one we shall ever possess, whom the arbitrary nature of memory, almost as absolute as that of the imagination, may have made as different from the real woman as the real Balbec had been from the Balbec I imagined- a dummy creation that little by little, to our own detriment, we shall force the real woman to resemble. Marcel Proust
memories window photograph
Our memory is like a shop in the window of which is exposed now one, now another photograph of the same person. And as a rule the most recent exhibit remains for some time the only one to be seen. Marcel Proust
memories past moments
The moments of the past do not remain still; they retain in our memory the motion which drew them towards the future, towards a future which has itself become the past, and draw us on in their train. Marcel Proust
memories regret years
The places we have known do not belong solely to the world of space in which we situate them for our greater convenience. They were only a thin slice among contiguous impressions which formed our life at that time; the memory of a certain image is but regret for a certain moment; and houses, roads, avenues are as fleeting, alas, as the years. Marcel Proust
memories wander our-memories
Even though our lives wander, our memories remain in one place. Marcel Proust
memories book reading
After a certain age our memories are so intertwined with one another that what we are thinking of, the book we are reading, scarcely matters any more. We have put something of ourselves everywhere, everything is fertile, everything is dangerous, and we can make discoveries no less precious than in Pascal's Pensées in an advertisement for soap. Marcel Proust
memories lying men
The bonds between ourselves and another person exists only in our minds. Memory as it grows fainter loosens them, and notwithstanding the illusion by which we want to be duped and which, out of love, friendship, politeness, deference, duty, we dupe other people, we exist alone. Man is the creature who cannot escape from himself, who knows other people only in himself, and when he asserts the contrary, he is lying. Marcel Proust
memories past remembrance
Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were. Marcel Proust
memories heart vivid
Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heart-warming! Joseph B. Wirthlin
memories animal may
The memory is perpetually looking back when we have nothing present to entertain us. It is like those repositories in animals that are filled with food, on which they may ruminate when their present pastures fail. Joseph Addison
memories nations
Nothing is so retentive as a nation's memory. Joseph A. Schumpeter
memories mean identity
I suppose identity depends on memory. And if my memory is blotted out, then I wonder if I exist - I mean, if I am the same person. Of course, I don't have to solve that problem. It's up to God, if any. Jorge Luis Borges
memories school reflection
Another school declares that all time has already transpired and that our life is only the crepuscular and no doubt falsified and mutilated memory or reflection of an irrecoverable process. Jorge Luis Borges
memories museums mirrors
We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of shifting shapes, that pile of broken mirrors. Jorge Luis Borges
memories book axes
A book is more than a verbal structure or series of verbal structures; it is the dialogue it establishes with its reader and the intonation it imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in his memory. A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships. Jorge Luis Borges
memories ends approach
As the end approaches, there are no longer any images from memory - there are only words. Jorge Luis Borges
memories paradox individual
That one individual should awaken in another memories that belong to still a third is an obvious paradox. Jorge Luis Borges
memories reality past
The future has no other reality than as present hope, and the past is no more than present memory. Jorge Luis Borges
memories night thinking
I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does. Jorge Luis Borges
memories book men
Of all man’s instruments, the most wondrous, no doubt, is the book. The other instruments are extensions of his body. The microscope, the telescope, are extensions of his sight; the telephone is the extension of his voice; then we have the plow and the sword, extensions of the arm. But the book is something else altogether: the book is an extension of memory and imagination. Jorge Luis Borges
memories men eden
Man's memory shapes Its own Eden within Jorge Luis Borges
memories home loss
I know this year hasn't gone as we'd all like it. But please, please, everyone do not forget about that 2013 season - the worst to first, the tragedy of the Boston Marathon, everyone rallying around the city, the finish line, the duck boats, everything, celebrating at home. Might be down a little bit in the win/loss column right now, but do not let that erase any of those memories from last year that I get to wear a ring on my finger for. I'm proud to be a Red Sox for those times. Jonny Gomes
memories recollection havens
I have a photographic memory; I just haven't developed it yet. Jonathan Winters
memories men literature
Observation is an old man's memory. Jonathan Swift
memories gone photograph
Memories have no life. They're just pale reminders of a time that's gone-like faded photographs. Kevin Brooks
memories mean forever
I remember it all: every word, every breath, every tick of the clock . . . everything that happened is with me forever. I can never forget it. But that dosen't mean I can live it again. You can't live what's gone, you can only remember it, and memories have no life. They're just pale reminders of a time that's gone - like faded photographs, or a dried-up daisy chain at the back of a drawer. They have no substance. They can't take you back. Nothing can take you back. Nothing can be the same as it was. Nothing is. All I can do is tell it. Kevin Brooks
memories lying sadness
There are times in your life when, despite the steel weight of your memories and the sadness that seems to lie at your feet like a shadow, you suddenly and strangely feel perfectly okay. Kevin Brockmeier
memories dust names
The poets and philosophers I once loved had it wrong. Death does not come to us all, nor does the passage of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because while I was considered dead, and a headstone had been engraved with my name, in truth my life was just beginning. Kevin Williamson
memories past rivers
America was different. America was a river, roarng along, unmindful of the past. I could wade into this river, let my sins drown to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far. Someplace with no ghosts, no memories, and no sins. Khaled Hosseini