Quotes about team
team firsts facts
Sam Altman A single mediocre hire in the first five will often in fact kill a startup.
team firsts employee
Sam Altman ... companies that I've been very involved with, that have had a very bad first hire in the first 3 or so employees never recover from it...
team needs desperate
Sam Altman At the beginning, you should only hire when you have a desperate need to.
team years numbers
Sam Altman Many of the best YC companies have had phenomenally small number of employees for their first year, sometimes none besides the founders.
team numbers want
Sam Altman ... you want to be proud of how much you can get done with a small numbers of employees.
team proud should
Sam Altman ... but actually it sucks to have a lot of employees, and you should be proud of how few employees you have.
team trying
Sam Altman The second part of how to hire: try not to.
team perfect founders
Sam Altman In YC experience, 2 or 3 co-founders seems to be about perfect.
team people source
Sam Altman The best source by far for hiring is people that you already know and people that other employees in the company already know.
team firsts referrals
Sam Altman Most great companies in tech have been built by personal referrals for the first...at least 100 employees and often many more.
team work-out joining
Sam Altman If someone is choosing between joining McKinsey or your startup it's very unlikely they're going to work out at the startup.
team people firsts
Sam Altman Really dig into projects people have worked on and call references; that is another thing that first time founders like to skip.
team giving advice
Sam Altman One of the pieces of advice that we give at YC is: try to work together on a project rather than just doing an interview.
team done made
Sam Altman Most of the best hires that I've made in my entire life have never done that thing before.
team aptitude matter
Sam Altman For most of the early hires you make in a startup, experience doesn't matter very much, and you should go for aptitude.
team roles matter
Sam Altman Experience matters for some roles and not others.
team successful goes-on
Sam Altman ... we talk to a team, they've gotten new things done, that's the best predictor we have that a company will go on to be successful.
team block hiring
Sam Altman You're either not hiring at all or it's probably your single biggest block of time.
team answers should
Sam Altman ... how much time you should be spending on hiring? The answer is 0 or 25 percent.
team numbers advice
Sam Altman By the way, that's my number one piece of advice if you're going to join a startup: pick a rocket ship.
team years people
Sam Altman To get the very best people- they have a lot of great options, and so it can easily take a year to recruit someone.
team two twenties
Sam Altman ... for the top twenty most valuable YC companies, all of them have at least two founders.
team winning feel-good
Sam Altman A winning team feels good and keeps winning. A team that hasn't won in a while gets demotivated and keeps losing.
team solo rate
Sam Altman ... We probably funded a rate of something like one out of ten solo teams.
team solo founders
Sam Altman It's better to have no cofounder than to have a bad cofounder, but it's still bad to be a solo founder.
team college thinking
Sam Altman If you're not in college and you don't know a cofounder, the next best thing I think is to go work at an interesting company.
team track records
Sam Altman The track record for founders that don't already know each other is really bad.
team people treats
Sam Altman A lot of people treat choosing their cofounder with even less importance than they put on hiring. Don't do this.
team numbers causes
Sam Altman In YC's case, the number one cause of early death for startups is cofounder blowups.
team important company
Sam Altman Cofounder relationships are among the most important in the entire company.
team phrases resourceful
Sam Altman At YC we have this public phrase, and it's relentlessly resourceful.
team firsts employee
Sam Altman ... if you talk to say any of the first 40 or 50 employees, they all feel like they were a part of the founding of the company.