A. Johnson
A. Johnson
wise reading style
Some read for style, and some for argument: one has little care about the sentiment, he observes only how it is expressed; another regards not the conclusion, but is diligent to mark how it is inferred; they read for other purposes than the attainment of practical knowledge; and are no more likely to grow wise by an examination of a treatise of moral prudence, than an architect to inflame his devotion by considering attentively the proportions of a temple.
soldier corruption danger
A soldier's time is passed in distress and danger, or in idleness and corruption.
whiskey spirit flavour
"Uisce Beatha" is a compounded distilled spirit being drawn on aromatics, and the Irish sort is particularly distinguished for its pleasant and mild flavour.
adoption ornaments noble
As not every instance of similitude can be considered as a proof of imitation, so not every imitation ought to be stigmatised as plagiarism. The adoption of a noble sentiment, or the insertion of a borrowed ornament, may sometimes display so much judgment as will almost compensate for invention; and an inferior genius may, without any imputation of servility, pursue the paths of the ancients, provided he declines to tread in their footsteps.
hardship misery discontent
Frequent discontent must proceed from frequent hardships.
compromise reciprocal concessions
Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions.
excellence example faults
The faults of a writer of acknowledged excellence are more dangerous, because the influence of his example is more extensive; and the interest of learning requires that they should be discovered and stigmatized, before they have the sanction of antiquity conferred upon them, and become precedents of indisputable authority.
wise men vanity
The faults of a man loved or honoured sometimes steal secretly and imperceptibly upon the wise and virtuous, but by injudicious fondness or thoughtless vanity are adopted with design.
excellence lifetime labor
Excellence in any department can be attained only by the labor of a lifetime; it is not to be purchased at a lesser price.
anticipation species
Hope is itself a species of happiness...
wise men hands
No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had
examination fraud dread
Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.
carpe-diem men focus
When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.