Amy Newman

Amy Newman
Amy Newman is an American poet, critic and professor. She is the author of five collections of poems, most recently On This Day in Poetry History. Her other books include Dear Editor, winner of the Lexi Rudnitsky Editor's Choice Award, fall, Camera Lyrica, winner of the Beatrice Hawley Award, and her first book, Order, or Disorder, which received the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Prize. Newman has received fellowships in poetry from the MacDowell Colony and the Ohio and Illinois...
I tell them 'thank you' because they don't need to thank us. I know they do it because they think it's the right thing to do, but I don't do it for that. I do it because this is what I want to do,
begging food
You're not begging for food. We want to help.
I would have just liked to know why she did it. Now I will never find out.
We played well, but we could have still done better,