Andrea Jung

Andrea Jung
Andrea Jung is a Canadian-American executive, non-profit leader, and prominent women's-issues supporter. In April, 2014, she became President and CEO of Grameen America, a nonprofit microfinance organization founded by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus. Grameen is the fastest growing microfinance organization in the United States, providing the largest number of microfinance loans to individuals and small businesses. From 1999 until 2012, she served as the first female CEO and Chairwoman of Avon Products, Inc., a multi-level marketing company. Jung...
CountryUnited States of America
On a great day, I don't believe that the amount of cosmetics sold over the Internet will be more than 25 percent.
Charles is a results-driven leader with an exceptional track-record of performance, and we are very pleased that he is joining Avon in this important leadership position. His proven expertise in Latin America, coupled with his experience working with four major global consumer companies, will be important assets as we implement our growth strategies in our large and dynamic Latin American region.
I was marketing-based and U.S.-based. I hadn't run our international business; I hadn't run the operating line. Because of the board's insistence that I go on the road and get that experience, I'm sure I'm a better CEO than I would have been.
Avon also has an advantage in that we've always shipped small orders to individuals. So we don't have the back-of-the-house complexities and barriers faced by other traditional companies who try to get up and running.
Overall, we feel good about the state of our business, and assuming that significant currency weakness does not spread to other Latin markets, we continue to target double-digit earnings growth in 2002 even if the Argentine peso devalues further to 2.00 to the dollar,
I was still taking piano lessons up until 18 months ago. If I had one thing I could add to my very full calendar, it would be that. That's one of my personal goals because it helps balance all parts of your life, and I really get a lot of enjoyment out of playing Mozart and Beethoven.
We are encouraged by the improving foreign currency picture, which could result in some upside for earnings if currencies remain at or near their present levels for the rest of the year,
The part that loses out at the end of the day is just doing things for myself. Sometimes when I go on a business trip, it's those five hours on the plane or that night in the hotel room which are the only moments when I have time for myself. Only then can I read magazines or a novel.
You have to combine instinct with a good business acumen. You just can't be creative, and you just can't be analytical.
We are disappointed that Sears has made a change in its approach at this late stage and won't be part of the beComing venture, ... We have always viewed retail as a long-term strategy for Avon. We are as committed as ever to our retail initiative.
We are looking forward to continued momentum into the second half, with the 15-market launch of Avon Wellness, our new global line of women's health and well-being products, and beComing, our new beauty and lifestyle brand that will launch at retail in the U.S. this fall.
With today's appointments, we are leveraging exceptional management talent and experience with two of our most important strategic priorities, namely, the continuing transformation of our direct-selling channel and the building of the Avon brand. These seasoned executives will play critical roles in enabling Avon to unleash the potential of our unique business model.
A representative is free delivery; she's a personal beauty consultant. Some people want that high touch.
If you feel like it's difficult to change, you will probably have a harder time succeeding.