Bruce Wilkinson

Bruce Wilkinson
Bruce Wilkinson is a Christian teacher and author. He was bornin New Jersey and graduated from Northeastern Bible College, Dallas Theological Seminaryand Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. He served as a college professor at Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, Oregon, until resigning to launch Walk Thru the Bible in June 1976. He is best known for his best-selling book The Prayer of Jabez in 2000, which sold over 13 million copies. In addition to Dr. Wilkinson's 68 published works,...
CountryUnited States of America
Imagine what your life will look like when you have broken the bondage of fear.
Dependence upon God makes heroes of ordinary people like you and me!
What counts is knowing who you want to be and asking for it.
In my experience, God rarely makes our fear disappear. Instead, he asks us to be strong and take courage.
You are not an accident. You are one of a kind. Your big dream is from God, and its irreplaceable. And you were born to seize it and celebrate it every day of your life!
The journey toward your Big Dream changes you. In fact, the journey itself is what prepares you to succeed at what you were born to do. And until you decide to pursue your Dream, you are never going to love life the way you were meant to.
Repentance means you change your mind so deeply that it changes you.
It's when you begin to think about going to your dream that your dream is always outside of your comfort zone. It's always beyond what you've ever done.
To truly repent of a big thing, you have to go into it with your heart open and force yourself to deal with it at that level and to apologize to God.
Not everybody is going to agree with your dream. I'm sure you've had border bullies in your life as you moved into your career. And what we don't want to do is focus upon them.
Most people think that Heaven is a choir, and all you will do is sing.
People can't do miracles and are not responsible to do miracles, but people can pick up miracles from God and hand it to another person - a miracle happens when that occurs.
There is an economy in Heaven. There are cities in Heaven, and there are people who lead and people who don't lead, people who are rewarded and people who are not rewarded.
When you teach, you need to give the students incentives by grades or by other factors. I went to the Bible to find that topic in Scripture. I was shocked that after college and graduate school I had no idea that Jesus Christ had talked so much about rewards.