Cyril Tourneur

Cyril Tourneur
Cyril Tourneurwas an English soldier, diplomat and dramatist who wrote The Atheist's Tragedy; anotherplay, The Revenger's Tragedy, formerly believed to be by him, is now more generally attributed to Thomas Middleton...
desires miles small thousand women
Most women have small waists the world throughout, But their desires are a thousand miles about
When the bad bleeds, then is the tragedy good.
thinking joy forget
Joy is a subtle elf; I think one's happiest when he forgets himself.
running suffering ems
A drunkard clasp his teeth and not undo 'em, To suffer wet damnation to run through 'em.
greatness men clouds
Since, by your greatness, you Are nearer heaven in place; be nearer it In goodness: rich men should transcend the poor, As clouds the earth; rais'd by the comfort of The sun, to water dry and barren grounds.