David Barton

David Barton
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You don't have a right to vote, you've got a duty of vote.
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It is evident from their writings that the Founding Fathers would never have tolerated the separation that we have embraced today. They knew that religious principles provided morality and self-control - the lifeblood for the survival of any self-governing community.
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Separation of church and state is the big club pulled out to beat back the Christians .
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When you put ungodly people in office you put ungodly principles in office. God can't bless ungodly principles therefore God can't bless you for promoting ungodly principles. If you put Godly people in office you put Godly in office God can bless Godly principles therefore he can bless you for promoting Godly principles.
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In the case Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court ruled that - under 'separation of church and state' - it was unconstitutional for a student in school to even see a copy of the Ten Commandments.
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Only majorities can expand political rights in America's constitutional society.
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There should be absolutely no 'Separation of Church and State' in America.
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Recent decades clearly demonstrate that the more secular our Public Schools become the less successful they become academically.
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The 1947 Court (Everson v. Board of Education) for the first time had used only Jefferson's metaphor - completely divorced from its context and intent.
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In 1962 (Engel v. Vitale), the Supreme Court explained that the word 'church' would no longer mean a federally established denomination; it would now mean a religious activity in public.
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In 1965, in Reed v. Van Hoven, a court determined (237 F.Supp. 48. W.D.Mich. 1965.) that it was permissible for students to pray over their lunch at school so long as no one knew they were praying - that is, they couldn't say words or move their lips, but they could pray only if no one knew about it!
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The Court abandoned the traditional constitutional meaning of 'religion' as a single denomination or system of worship and instead substituted a new 'modern' concept which even now remains vague and nebulous, having changed several times in recent years.
christian religious thinking
In 1967, in DeKalb v. DeSpain, a court (255 F.Supp. 655. N.D.Ill. 1966.) took a 4-line nursery rhyme used by a K-5 kindergarten class and declared the nursery rhyme unconstitutional. The court explained that although the word 'God' was not contained in this nursery rhyme, if someone were to hear the rhyme, he might think that it was talking about God - and that would be unconstitutional!
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What identity thieves are after is a profile, and a profile includes a home address, your birth date and your Social Security number. We have so many employees working out there with false credentials.