Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi
Enrico Fermiwas an Italian physicist, who created the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic bomb". He was one of the few physicists to excel both theoretically and experimentally. Fermi held several patents related to the use of nuclear power, and was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on induced radioactivity by neutron bombardment and the discovery of transuranic elements...
Date of Birth29 September 1901
CityRome, Italy
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward.
Experimental confirmation of a prediction is merely a measurement. An experiment disproving a prediction is a discovery.
There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery.
Ignorance is never better than knowledge
Some people stick with the traditional, feeling struck by the epic beauty or blown away by the insane scale of the universe. Personally, I go for the old "existential meltdown followed by acting weird for the next half hour. But everyone feels something.
Whatever Nature has in store for mankind, unpleasant as it may be, men must accept, for ignorance is never better than knowledge.
Before I came here I was confused about this subject. Having listened to your lecture I am still confused. But on a higher level.
I remember my friend Johnny von Neumann used to say, 'with four parameters I can fit an elephant and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.'
It is not good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.
I hope it won't take long.
When asked what he meant by a miracle: Oh, anything with a probability of less than 20%.
When asked what characteristics Nobel prize winning physicists had in common ؛ I cannot think of a single one, not even intelligence
Young man, if I could remember the names of these particles, I would have been a botanist.
It does not say in the Bible that all laws of nature are expressible linearly!