Gunnar Myrdal

Gunnar Myrdal
Karl Gunnar Myrdalwas a Swedish economist, sociologist and politician. In 1974, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Friedrich Hayek for "their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena." He is best known in the United States for his study of race relations, which culminated in his book An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. The study was...
Date of Birth6 December 1898
Gunnar Myrdal quotes about
It Is in the Agricultural Sector That the Battle for Long- Term Economic Development Will Be Won or Lost.
Planned parenthood" in the social history of the Western countries is, indeed, a phenomenon instrin-sically related to those very changes in peoples attitudes which, on the political plane, have been causing the trend towards economic planning.
Sometimes it looks as if, the better off they [nations] become, the bigger do they conceive the gap between what is actually their lot and what would be desirable, while in the poor countries large masses of people seem to be satisfied by merely surviving.
Education has in America's whole history been the major hope for improving the individual and society.
Language, as we know, is full of illogicalities.
The study of women's intelligence and personality has had broadly the same history as the one we record for Negroes ... in drawing a parallel between the position of, and feeling toward, women and Negroes, we are uncovering a fundamental basis of our culture.
It is natural for the ordinary American when he sees something wrong to feel not only that there should be a law against it but, also that an organization should be formed to combat it.
America has had gifted conservative statesmen and national leaders. But with few exceptions, only the liberals have gone down in history as national heroes.
In the United States, and to only slightly lesser degree in all the other rich and economically progressive Western countries, public debate has at all times been dominated by the adherents of a "free" economy.
Rent control has in certain Western countries constituted, maybe, the worst example of poor planning by Governments lacking courage and vision.
All sudden and violent changes, whatever their causes or character, must tend to decrease the respect for status quo as a natural order of things.
Social taboos are shy like virtue; once lost, there is no remedy
The Negro problem, like all other political problems, is fundamentally a moral issue. This is realism, not idealism. Those of my colleagues who believe that they are particularly 'hard boiled' because they overlook the fact that human beings are struggling for their consciences are simply unrealistic.
America is the one rich country with the biggest slums, the least democratic and least developed health system, and the most niggardly attitude against its old people.