John Heywood

John Heywood
John Heywoodwas an English writer known for his plays, poems, and collection of proverbs. Although he is best known as a playwright, he was also active as a musician and composer, though no musical works survive...
When the sunne shineth, make hay.
Better to give then to take.
children lying fool
Children and fools cannot lie.
Feed by measure, and defy the physician.
wise wisdom drama
All's well that ends well.
flesh bones
It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone.
bye poke
Though ye loue not to bye the pyg in the poke,Yet snatche ye at the poke, that the pyg is in,Not for the poke, but the pyg good chepe to wyn.
One swallow maketh not summer.
horse doors gone
It's no use closing the barn door after the horse is gone.
summer nature
One swallow never makes a summer.
inspirational life inspirational-life
The nearer to the church, the further from God.
inspirational life inspirational-life
The more the merrier.
Children learne to creepe ere they can learne to goe.
children fire
Burnt child fire dredth.