
Longchen Rabjampa, Drimé Özer, commonly abbreviated to Longchenpa, was a major teacher in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Along with Sakya Pandita and Je Tsongkhapa, he is commonly recognized as one of the three main manifestations of Mañjuśrī to have taught in Central Tibet. His major work is the Seven Treasures, which encapsulates the previous six hundred years of Buddhist thought in Tibet. Longchenpa was a critical link in the exoteric and esoteric transmission of the Dzogchen teachings. He...
inner-peace quests
Always engage in the quest for life's meaning, which is inner peace.
laughter facts manifest
In the experience of yogins who do not perceive things dualistically, the fact that things manifest without truly existing is so amazing they burst into laughter
practice support progress
Begin with bodhicitta, do the main practice without concepts,Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete,Are the three vital supports for progressing on the path to liberation.
baseless objects power subjects truth
Self-appearing subjects and objects are the power of the baseless ultimate truth.