Ricardo Alarcon

Ricardo Alarcon
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesadais a Cuban statesman. He served as Cuba's Permanent Representative to the United Nationsfor nearly 30 years and later served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1992 to 1993. Subsequently Alarcón was President of the National Assembly of People's Power from 1993 to 2013, and because of this post, was considered the third-most powerful figure in Cuba. He also was a Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba until 2013...
Date of Birth21 May 1937
We are prepared to forget the past, to look towards the future and to accommodate ourselves with a new relationship with America.
The whole world should feel that this tragedy is its own.
I think that the future belongs to democracy, but not to capitalism, because they are opposite camps.
Even if they invited us, we would not have come.
The United States only accepts reports that are favorable. It is not surprising it continues to ignore the U.N. whenever convenient.
Our view is that the Elian Gonzalez event may help us precisely to improve relations.
I don't have the slightest doubt that any honest person analyzing this case will arrive at the same conclusion (as the appeals court),
President Carter represents the future, a day when there will be a mutual respect and a good neighbor policy between the U.S. and Cuba, a future with a policy based on certain moral and ethical values.
Fidel is really a special case. He's a personality of history.
No one has the right to monopolize any source of energy fundamental for humanity.
Nobody should expect from the congress the abandonment of what our revolution has meant.
The congress will bring ratification, reiteration of the fundamentals of the revolution.
What the world should fight is the monopoly that some have over weapons of mass destruction and, in particular, nuclear arms.
We have gotten the same message from U.S. officials -- in private -- several times that it is not advisable for this man to appear in U.S. territory,