Sherry Argov

Sherry Argov
Sherry Argov is an American writer. She authored the number one international bestseller Why Men Love Bitches. Her book has been voted "One of the Ten Most Iconic Books of the Past Ten Years" and "America's Top Relationship Guide". The author's writings were published in over 100 magazines, including People,Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Self, Glamour. She has also appeared on various television programs including Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and The Today Show. Argov's books have been translated into over thirty languages...
CountryUnited States of America
There is a fundamental difference between men and women - women need romance, men need intrigue.
When a man meets a woman who seems too perfect, too sweet, or too agreeable, he tends to become bored very quickly.
UncondiTional love is a beauTiful Thing. JusT be sure To give iT after your conditions have been meT :P
Relationship Principle 11 It is better to be disliked for being who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
It is your attitude about yourself that a man will adopt.
she lets him see how afraid she is to be without him and he soon comes to feel as though he has a 100 percent hold on her. This is often the point when women begin to complain: “He doesn’t make enough time for me. He isn’t as romantic as he used to be.
Intelligent women make the mistake of assuming that if they hold a higher degree, they can hold their own in a political debate, and they have a good understanding of mid-caps
When you nag, you become the problem, an he deals with it by turning you out, but when you dont nag, he deals with the problem.
Whenever you are too worried about someone else's approval, that person loses respect for you.
Don't ever let anyone shake your faith in yourself, because that's really all that you have.
Relationship Principle 3 He doesn't marry a woman who is perfect. He marries the woman who is interesting.
You always want what you can’t have.
With a woman he's crazy about, he'll put in all the overtime in the world. He'll be doing things for you, he'll be considerate, he'll want to please you, he'll try to cheer you up if you are down, and he will enjoy every moment because you are the person he values most.
When you live life with him or without him, that is when he will accept and value you for who you are.