Subcomandante Marcos
Subcomandante Marcos
Subcomandante Marcos or Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, was the nom de guerre used by the main ideologist and spokesman of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, a Mexican rebel movement fighting for the rights of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. Subcomandante Marcos, the character, the constructed persona, the hologram, the "colorful ruse," was created by the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee of the Zapatistas, because " can only see those who are as small as they are. Let's make someone as small...
Surely the agents of the government, businessmen and political parties have sent to inform you what happens here. After hearing us and hearing you, they will write in their report a false alarm. There's nothing to be worried about. The suspects are crazy and they haven't noticed each other. End of report.
In reality, the pioneers of this transformation of the indigenous Zapatista woman are a merit of the women insurgents.
The Zapatista delegation will start out where it started 12 years ago on January 1 2006, in San Cristobal de las Casas.
The movement is growing, more people are coming in, we are getting to know people that we did not know before.
We have to make sure of our place in society as indigenous Indians that we have won. In Mexico, there are movements, there are revolutions and change, but for the indigenous nothing changes.
We hold a dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. That's why we hold a dialogue.
We think, fundamentally, that the future story of Latin America, not only of Mexico but for all of Latin America, will be constructed from the bottom - that the rest of what's happening, in any case, are steps.
Marcos is all the exploited, marginalised, oppressed minorities resisting and saying "Enough!" He is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable - this is Marcos.
We learned a long time ago that we should never subject ourselves to the schedules of the powerful. We had to follow our own calendar and impose it on those above.