
nice nice-things stills
You can act as nice as you can 100% of the time, and it will still not make everybody say nice things about you.
jesus grace-and-mercy imperfect
I am fallen, flawed and imperfect. Yet drenched in the grace and mercy that is found in Jesus Christ, there is strength
song heart artist
In my opinion, there is a huge lack of imaginative, unconventional music being created by artists today and what little there is, goes widely unappreciated by the masses. 'Port Blue' is my attempt at re-creating the music I want to hear and the emotions I want to feel." "If by chance you ever feel as though you’ve come to know these songs, please consider yourself a friend because in a manner of speaking, you know me. This music is my heart and soul. This is who I am." (Adam R. Young, 2006)
color different canvas
There is no old Adam Young, there is no new Adam Young, merely different colors and different brushstrokes over the same canvas.
long people guy
I'm a very introverted guy, so I don't need to be around people for as long as someone who's very extroverted to get that sort of social fix per se.
waiting forget busy
Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them.
heart mountain realizing
You’ve got mountains of your own, I’ll bet on it. Take heart. Be encouraged. Remain steadfast. Hang on for dear life. You’ve got a better grip than you realize.
weed memories eye
It's funny how insomnia has a way of hauling faded memories up from the cellar of the mind, unearthing buried bits of nostalgia from deep within and spreading the broken, jagged pieces out in front of you like a display of junk at a garage sale. It makes you feel cheap and guilty when you didn't do a thing in the world to kindle the dull burn in your veins or the sting in your eyes. Some nights the painful past unexpectedly pushes up through the floorboards like an ugly nightmarish weed, and by doing so, cultivates and nurtures an entirely new species of headache.
writing opportunity ice-cream
When you write, produce, engineer and mix everything yourself, it tends to take a long time to do anything. And when you're a perfectionist little monster, it makes it even harder. But it's a blast and I wouldn't trade the opportunity for all the ice cream sandwiches in the universe.
girl love-you perfect
I’ve been around many girls who have been super outgoing. And a lot of times, they would say to me, “Why are you so quiet? What’s wrong with you?” And I’m like, “I don’t know. That’s just the way I am.” So if I found the perfect girl she would totally get that and say, “You’re quiet, and that’s the way I love you.
mistake voice track
When you listen to someone sing from inside their head, their same mix, and you listen to their voice as loud as they like it, or the track of the band as low as they like it, you can really hear all of the nuances and the mistakes if there are any.
sight firsts married
I've definitely had a few moments in my life where I've seen somebody and it's blown me away at first sight, but I guess of those few scenarios, none of them have been like... I'm not married.
giving-up fighting impossible
Sometimes the good fight feels impossible, but I for one, am NOT giving up.
people buttons shows
Someone invent a NO LIFE alert so you can push a button and tons of people show up and hang out with you.