Quotes about fun
fun opportunity people
It's cool when people ask me about my gold medal and they say it will last forever. I will try to promote skiing and show everyone it's not just about competition. It's about having fun with your friends in the snow. I want to bring people with less opportunities to the snow, try to use my gold medal to support programs to bring more people to the snow. Julia Mancuso
fun home differences
If you feel rooted in your home and family, if you're active in your community, there's nothing more empowering. The best way to make a difference in the world is to start by making a difference in your own life. Julia Louis-Dreyfus
fun annoying sometimes
I never got into things to be famous. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its annoying. Judah Friedlander
fun stupid humor
I've always chosen my band members based on their sense of humor. It might sound stupid, but it means not only are they fun to live with on a tour bus for years, but humor implies intelligence. Kristin Hersh
fun games people
To hear that you're doing something that other people are enjoying, it's a fun game. It's like hitting a tennis ball over the net, and somebody hits it back. That's what it feels like with the fans. It feels like someone else is participating in my creation, and it's quite incredible. Kristin Bauer van Straten
fun challenges challenging-myself
I never dreamed of being an actor, but I'm beginning to love it more and more because I like challenging myself. When I feel like I'm not learning or having fun anymore, then I'll stop. Kristin Kreuk
fun dumb height
Making fun of anyone's size, height, scarring, anything like that equals dumb. Kristin Chenoweth
fun dating
I'm finally dating. It's fun. Kristin Chenoweth
fun differences having-fun
There's a difference between making fun of something and having fun with something. Kristin Chenoweth
fun acting different
I really like acting in French. It's actually quite different for me, from acting in English. It's fun acting in a foreign language. You're liberated or freed from preconceptions. Kristin Scott Thomas
funny motor-racing six
Rally points scoring is twenty for the fastest, eighteen for the second fastest, right down to six points for the slowest fastest. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing said
I was there when I said it. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing records
Mansell is slowing it down, taking it easy. Oh, no he isn't! It's a lap record. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing tire
The tires are called wets, because they're used in the wet. And these tires are called slicks, because they're very slick. Murray Walker
funny race motor-racing
And the first three cars are all Escorts, which isn't surprising as this is an all Escort race. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing car
And there's no damage to the car. Except to the car itself. Murray Walker
funny men motor-racing
And there's the man in the green flag! Murray Walker
funny motor-racing doe
Anything happens in Grand Prix racing, and it usually does. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing circuits
The European drivers have adapted to this circuit extremely quickly, especially Paul Radisich who's a New Zealander. Murray Walker
funny two motor-racing
With two laps to go then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing lap
It's lap 26 of 58, which unless I'm very much mistaken is half way. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing gaps
Frentzen is taking, er, reducing that gap between himself and Frentzen. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing buttons
Jenson Button is in the top ten, in eleventh position. Murray Walker
funny reality thinking
You might not think that's cricket, and it's not, it's motor racing. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing twelve
Villeneuve is now twelve seconds ahead of Villeneuve. Murray Walker
funny sky motor-racing
Look up there! That's the sky! Murray Walker
funny years motor-racing
That's the first time he had started from the front row in a Grand Prix, having done so in Canada earlier this year. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing hills
And Damon Hill is following Damon Hill. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing car
And the first five places are filled by five different cars. Murray Walker
funny motor-racing racing
Mansell can see him in his earphone. Murray Walker
funny-love dog teenage-love
A lover tries to stand in well with the pet dog of the house. Moliere
funny humorous men
Of all the noises known to man, opera is the most expensive. Moliere
fun cancer breasts
Having breast cancer is massive amounts of no fun, Molly Ivins