Quotes about fun
funny humor guy
I heard a guy tell me he liked cherries. I waited to hear if he was going to say "tomatoes", then I realized he like cherries just. That joke is ridiculous. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor pasta
I can't eat spaghetti. There's too many of them. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor firsts
I had my palm read. I wrote something on it first to see if she would read that too. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor years
I have a roommate, and I signed a year lease. I screwed up! That's like I wrote a joke that didn't work, but now I have to tell it for a year. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor eye
I sometimes close my eyes during a show because I have drawn a picture of an audience enjoying the show more on the back of my eyelids. Mitch Hedberg
funny party humor
You know when you go into a restaurant, and it gets busy and they start a waiting list, and they start calling out names, "DuFresnes, party of two." They say again, "DuFresnes, party of two." But then if no one answers, they'll just go to the next name, "Bush, party of three." Yeah, but what happened to the DuFresnes? No one seems to care. Who can eat at a time like this? People are missing! And they're hungry! That's a double whammy! "Bush, search party of three!" You can eat once you find the DuFresnes! Mitch Hedberg
funny brother humor
I made $3,000 opening for the Neville Brothers, and they paid me in cash. That was a bad situation, because I bought ridiculous stuff. I bought a snake bite emergency kit. Then I said to my friends, "Don't even worry about snakes anymore". My friend stepped on a worm, and I said, "Lay down!" Mitch Hedberg
funny hate humor
I hate flossing, I wish I just had one long curvy tooth. They didn't have to make separations for me. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor ozone-layer
That would be cool if the earth's crust was made out of graham cracker. It would disappear just like the ozone layer, but for completely different reasons. Mitch Hedberg
funny real moving
The next time I move I hope I get a real easy phone number, something like 2222222. People will ask, "Mitch, how do I get a hold of you?" I'll say, "Just press two for a while, when I answer, you'll know that you've pressed two enough." Mitch Hedberg
funny humor views
I travel with a boom box. When I get on a plane, I stuff the power cord for the boom box into the battery compartment. From an outsider's point of view, it looks like I've got it all wrong. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor way
Because of acid, I now know that butter is way better than margarine. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor forget-everything
This one commercial said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did, and it was a load off of my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell slipcovers, but I didn't know what they were! Mitch Hedberg
funny humor done
I'm a hard act to follow, because when I'm done, I take the microphone with me. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor thinking
I did a radio interview; the DJ's first question was "Who are you?" I had to think. Is this guy really deep, or did I drive to the wrong station? Mitch Hedberg
funny dog humor
A dog came to my door, so I gave him a bone, the dog took the bone into the back yard and buried it. I'm going to go plant a tree there, with bones on it, then the dog will come back and say, "Shoot! It worked! I must distribute these bones equally for I have a green paw!" Mitch Hedberg
funny silly writing
I like when they say a movie is inspired by a true story. That's kind of silly. "Hey, Mitch, did you hear that story about that lady who drove her car into the lake with her kids and they all drowned?" "Yeah, I did, and you know what - that inspires me to write a movie about a gorilla!" Mitch Hedberg
funny humor good-luck
Knock on wood is a saying for good luck. I think that started when someone went to someone's door to see if someone was home. "I hope Joe's home, knock on wood!" Mitch Hedberg
funny humor dinner
If I'm out to dinner with a group of friends, and somebody offers to pay for the check, I immediately reach for my wallet. Inside is a note that says, "Say thanks!" Mitch Hedberg
funny humor two
I got two stools, in case I want to sit down and sit down again on something else. Mitch Hedberg
funny dad humor
I have a Sharpie. I love Sharpies. You know what they say on them? Not for letter writing. That sucks. Now I have to communicate with my dad using numbers. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor boys
I have an idea for sweatshops: air conditioning! That's simple. 14 year old boys working twelve hour days? "Yeah, but they're comfortable!" Mitch Hedberg
funny humor simple
I saw a lady on TV, she was born without arms. That's sad, but then they said, "Lola does not know the meaning of the word 'can't'." That, to me, is even worse in a way. Not only is she missing arms, but she doesn't understand simple contractions. It's easy, Lola - you just take two words, put them together, take out the middle letters, put in a comma, and you raise it up! Mitch Hedberg
funny humor night
I like Kinko's, because they're open 24 hours. If it's 5 am and I decide I need two of something, I'm covered! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, and then I think, "Oh, yeah. Kinko's. No problem. That will not remain singular." Mitch Hedberg
funny humor pyramids
I saw a human pyramid once. It was very unnecessary. Mitch Hedberg
funny hate humor
I hate arrows. They try to tell me which direction to go. It's like "I ain't going that way, line with two thirds of a triangle on the end!" Mitch Hedberg
funny humor winning
I thought I'd go to a craft fair, and there would be a jar of jellybeans there - "Guess how many jellybeans are in this jar, and win a prize". Aw, come on, man, let just me have some. I'll tell you what, guess how many jellybeans I want! If you guessed a handful, you are right. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor would-be
If you had a friend who was a tightrope walker, and you were walking down a sidewalk, and he fell, that would be completely unacceptable. Mitch Hedberg
funny reading humor
I was in a convenience store, reading a magazine. The clerk told me, "this is not a library!" "OK! I will talk louder, then!" Mitch Hedberg
funny wall humor
I was going to stay overnight at my friend's house - he said, "you'll have to sleep on the floor." Damn gravity! You don't know how bad I wanted to sleep on the wall. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor want
I got binoculars 'cause I don't want to go that close. Mitch Hedberg
funny comedy has-beens
All these jokes have been pre-approved as funny by me. Mitch Hedberg
funny humor men
I had a box of Ritz crackers, and on the back of the box, they had all these suggestions for what to put on top of the Ritz. Try it with cheese. Try it with peanut butter. Come on, man, they're crackers, that's why I got them. I like crackers! I didn't buy them because they're little edible plates! Mitch Hedberg