Charles Caleb

Charles Caleb
fashion past looks
Custom looks to things that are past, and fashion to things that are present, but both of them are somewhat purblind as to things that are to come.
debt quitting deeper
If the prodigal quits life in debt to others, the miser quits it still deeper in debt to himself.
discovery action motive
We are not more ingenious in searching out bad motives for good actions when performed by others, than good motives for bad actions when performed by ourselves.
country men climate
In all countries where nature does the most, man does the least.
men coats shabby
It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby coat.
men miserable pleasure
The man of pleasure, by a vain attempt to be more happy than any man can be, is often more miserable than most men are.
wine order water
In order to try whether a vessel be leaky, we first prove it with water before we trust it with wine.
pity comment misfortunes
Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than the comments of our friends upon them.
religion crime thousand
Where true religion has prevented one crime, false religions have afforded a pretext for a thousand.
men two rogues
There are two modes of establishing our reputation; to be praised by honest men, and to be abused by rogues.
evil statesmen statesmanship
It is seldom that statesmen have the option of choosing between a good and an evil.
men fellow-man opinion
The good opinion of our fellow men is the strongest, though not the purest motive to virtue.
running vices common
When all run by common consent into vice, none appear to do so.
men suffering vices
Vice has more martyrs than virtue; and it often happens that men suffer more to be lost than to be saved.