Charles Caleb

Charles Caleb
snow moral-corruption rolling
Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it's set a rolling it must increase.
horse thinking winning
If a horse has four legs, and I'm riding it, I think I can win.
genius literature nodding
Moderation is the inseparable companion of wisdom, but with it genius has not even a nodding acquaintance.
health disease vices
No company is preferable to bad. We are more apt to catch the vices of others than virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health.
happiness poverty bread
To be obliged to beg our daily happiness from others bespeaks a more lamentable poverty than that of him who begs his daily bread.
literature fool religious-bigotry
Bigotry murders religion to frighten fools with her ghost.
memories appreciate literature
Contemporaries appreciate the person rather than their merit, posterity will regard the merit rather than the person.
believe half literature
In religion as in politics it so happens that we have less charity for those who believe half our creed, than for those who deny the whole of it.
learning enemy safe
It is always safe to learn, even from our enemies; seldom safe to venture to instruct, even our friends.
wisdom intelligence literature
Mystery is not profoundness.
essence generosity selfishness
Posthumous charities are the very essence of selfishness when bequeathed by those who, even alive, would part with nothing.
cities literature village
If you would be known, and not know, vegetate in a village; if you would know, and not be known, live in a city.
inspiring kindness inspiration
Did universal charity prevail, earth would be a heaven, and hell a fable.
god men law
Law and equity are two things which God has joined, but which man has put asunder.