Will Harvey

Will Harvey
Will Harveyis a software developer and Silicon Valley entrepreneur. At the age of 15 he wrote Music Construction Setfor the Apple II, the first commercial sheet music processor for home computers. Music Construction Set was ported to other systems by its publisher, Electronic Arts. He wrote two games for the Apple IIgs: Zany Golfand The Immortal. Harvey founded two consumer virtual world Internet companies: IMVU, an instant messaging company, and There, Inc., an MMOG company...
CountryUnited States of America
The last reunion was a bit of a rushed job, we had to do a gig and documentary.
We could give 'Take That' a run for their money.
I love artists like Jon B, but I don't wanna be compared to anybody. I'm just doing my interpretation of rnb and how someone like me should be doing it.
The people I know who have retired, so many of them lose interest and die; they just become nobodies overnight.
I try to develop others. I get a great deal of joy out of helping people who, over the years, I've spent a lot of time mentoring - and just trying to get them to another level.
All I can say to you, if you look after your health, eat the right stuff, do enough exercise, keep your mind active, you might be around when you're 100 having this conversation with someone.
For me, anyone who is over 80, I generally sit down and have a chat to because he is over 80, and he is going OK.
I am a commonsense sort of a person, and I don't get carried away with emotion and fears.
I've given away tens of millions of dollars over the years - probably to almost every charity in Australia.
Importantly, I still give money to homeless people - and all other charities.
Making decisions quickly isn't for everyone, and I've had my disasters, but overall, it works for me.
People don't just come to work to make money; they need satisfaction.
That's not in my nature to run away - I'll stand up and fight.
The cost to do business in Australia is higher, and the lack of scale is a part of that - Australia is a very small market compared to the U.S.