Will Harvey

Will Harvey
Will Harveyis a software developer and Silicon Valley entrepreneur. At the age of 15 he wrote Music Construction Setfor the Apple II, the first commercial sheet music processor for home computers. Music Construction Set was ported to other systems by its publisher, Electronic Arts. He wrote two games for the Apple IIgs: Zany Golfand The Immortal. Harvey founded two consumer virtual world Internet companies: IMVU, an instant messaging company, and There, Inc., an MMOG company...
CountryUnited States of America
There are plenty of people smarter than you by a long way. I just got lucky.
There is no Internet business in furniture or bedding. Zero - practically in the world.
We're good at what we do because we're a family - this is in our bloody DNA; this is what we do.
What I think is that we should be helping people so they can reach an even greater potential.
As a retailer, we want everyone out there to earn more money, but then if you're running a business, and we can't make money because the wages are too high, that's a problem.
Even if you sell the same number of plasma televisions - if you are selling them for 20 or 30 or 40 per cent of the original price, your revenue goes down, and the profit goes with it.
When advice is freely given, the receiver is free to use it as he or she sees fit.
Never forget, the real secret of giving advice is this: Once you've given it, don't concern yourself with whether it is followed or not, and refrain from saying 'I told you so.'
If you want people to know how much you care, show them how much you remember. Learn their names and use them often. It's an important skill to develop.
The service leaders hire one out of 50 applicants, sometimes one out of 100, but they're very, very careful. You can't afford not to be extremely choosy when you hire.
Remember you're not entitled to anything. You have to earn your success every day, and you will make mistakes like everyone else.
We in the independent sector more than anybody need Netflix, because they care about what we do.
You can spend all the money in the world. If you've got a bad product, it doesn't matter.
My movies are important on an economic basis, on an artistic basis.