Quotes about funny
funny president ifs
If she were a president, she'd be Baberham Lincoln. Garth Brooks
funny teacher witty
When men reach their sixties and retire, they go to pieces. Women go right on cooking. Gail Sheehy
funny witty humorous
I'm for whatever gets you through the night Frank Sinatra
funny life change
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it. Flannery O'Connor
funny would-be comedy
You know, I've always thought that it would be really funny if somebody made a romantic comedy where absolutely everything went well from beginning to end. Fiona Apple
funny sexy good-sex
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation... The other eight are unimportant. Henry Miller
funny humor night
My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our wedding night. Only this time, I stayed in the bathroom and cried. Henny Youngman
funny humor men
A car hit a Jewish man. The paramedic says, "Are you comfortable?" The man says, "I make a good living." Henny Youngman
funny humor men
I asked a Jewish man, "Do you know where Michigan Avenue is?" He said, "Yes", and walked away. Henny Youngman
funny humor men
A Jewish man pulls up to the curb and asks the policeman, "Can I park here?" "No" says the cop. "What about all these other cars?" "They didn't ask!" Henny Youngman
funny girl war
During the war an Italian girl saved my life. She hid me in her basement in Cleveland. Henny Youngman
funny humor italian
A bomb fell on Italy. It slid off! Henny Youngman
funny humor years
His motto is "Love Thy Neighbor". His neighbor is an 18 year old hooker. Henny Youngman
funny humor kissing
She must have Egyptian blood. Every time I try to kiss her she says, "Tut, Tut!" Henny Youngman
funny humor men
He is the only man I ever met with a seersucker face. Henny Youngman
funny humor band
Now, the band that inspired that great saying, "Stop The Music!!" Henny Youngman
funny humor men
This man dresses like an unmade bed. Henny Youngman
funny humor hats
Is that your hat or are you wearing a cabana? Henny Youngman
funny humor pet
Where did you get your haircut, the pet shop? Henny Youngman
funny humor thinking
The more I think of you, the less I think of you. Henny Youngman
funny new-york humor
2 Jewish women in New York. One says, "Do you see what's going on in Poland?" The other says, "I live in the back, I don't see anything." Henny Youngman
funny jobs humor
I know a man who is a diamond cutter. He mows the lawn at Yankee Stadium. Henny Youngman
funny humor men
In a blackout, a Polish man was stuck on an escalator for two hours. I asked him, "Why didn't you walk down?" He said, "because I was going up!" Henny Youngman
funny humor wife
My wife loves to shop at Bloomingdale's. I bring her mail there twice a week. Henny Youngman
funny humor years
I've been married for 49 years. Where have I failed? Henny Youngman
funny humor men
A woman says to a man, "I haven't seen you around here." "Yes, I just got out of jail for killing my wife." "So you're single!" Henny Youngman
funny humor men
A Polish man had his vasectomy done at Sears. Now when he makes love, the garage door goes up. Henny Youngman
funny humor men
A Polish man in a helicopter. Goes up to 800 feet. Down it comes! What happened? "It got chilly up there, so I turned off the fan!" Henny Youngman
funny humor okay
Are you Polish? Okay, I'll talk slower. Henny Youngman
funny humor people
How do Polish people spell farm? E-I-E-I-O Henny Youngman
funny humor keys
A Polish guy locked his keys in the car. It took an hour to get his wife out. Henny Youngman
funny halloween humor
Two Polish men at Halloween with burned faces. What happened? They were bobbing for french fries. Henny Youngman
funny zebras humor
A Polish man bought a zebra for a pet. What does he call the zebra? Spot! Henny Youngman