Quotes about funny
funny team humor
I was watching the Superbowl with my 92 year old grandfather. The team scored a touchdown. They showed the instant replay. He thought they scored another one. I was gonna tell him, but I figured the game HE was watching was better. Steven Wright
funny humor tired
I'm kinda tired. I was up all night trying to round off infinity. Then I got bored and went out and painted passing lines on curved roads. Steven Wright
funny running horse
When I was five years old I was on a merry go round. There was a gunshot nearby. The horses stampeded. There I was running down the street on a purple wooden horse. Steven Wright
funny humor snakes
Tinsel is really snakes' mirrors. Steven Wright
funny wall humor
I put hardwood floors on top of wall-to-wall carpet. Steven Wright
funny humor night
It's a fine night to have an evening. Steven Wright
funny humor limbo
Winny would spend all of his time practicing limbo. He got pretty good. He could go under a rug. Steven Wright
funny humor home
One day, when I came home from work, I accidentally put my car key in the door of my apartment building. I turned it, and the whole building started up. So I drove it around. A policeman stopped me for going too fast. He said, "Where do you live?" I said, "Right here!" Then I drove my building onto the middle of a highway, and I ran outside, and told all of the cars to get the hell out of my driveway. Steven Wright
funny humor thinking
People think my friend George is weird because he wears sideburns...behind his ears. I think he's weird because he wears false teeth...with braces on them. Steven Wright
funny humor would-be
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag? Steven Wright
funny humor two
Clones are people two. Steven Wright
funny humor coats
I saw a vegetarian wearing a furry coat. so I looked closer. it was made of grass. Steven Wright
funny jobs drinking
I used to work at a health food store. I got fired for drinking straight Bosco on the job. Steven Wright
funny humor feet
I used to be an airline pilot. I got fired because I kept locking the keys in the plane. They caught me on an 80 foot stepladder with a coat hanger. Steven Wright
funny song girlfriend
I'd like to sing you a song now about my old girlfriend. It's called "They'll Find Her When the Leaves Blow Away 'Cause I'm Not Raking 'Til Spring." Steven Wright
funny humor yesterday
Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Steven Wright
funny humor water
They say we're 98% water. We're that close to drowning. I like to live on the edge. Steven Wright
funny humor wire
I was going to tape some records onto a cassette, but I got the wires backwards. I erased the all of the records. When I returned them to my friend, he said, "Hey, these records are all blank." Steven Wright
funny mistake humor
I went camping and borrowed a circus tent by mistake. I didn't notice until I got it set up. People complained because they couldn't see the lake. Steven Wright
funny humor coats
I had my coat hangers spayed. Steven Wright
funny fall humor
The sky is falling. No, I'm tipping over backwards. Steven Wright
funny humor batteries
I went to the hardware store to buy some batteries, but they weren't included, so I had to buy them again. Steven Wright
funny humor home
The other night I came home late, and tried to unlock my house with my car keys. I started the house up. So, I drove it around for a while. I was speeding, and a cop pulled me over. He asked where I lived. I said, "Right here, officer." Steven Wright
funny humor skydiving
I was skydiving horizontally. Steven Wright
funny humor fax-machines
I have a fax machine with "fax waiting". Steven Wright
funny father humor
My father was a small claims court jester. Steven Wright
funny humor resisting
I was once arrested for resisting arrest. Steven Wright
funny humor speed
The speed of time is one second per second. Steven Wright
funny humor cowboy
If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed? Steven Wright
funny humor numbers
Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one? Steven Wright
funny humor doe
If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented? Steven Wright
funny sex humor
Having sex with her is incredible. It's just like a concert. We throw Frisbees around the room. And when she wants more she lights a match. Steven Wright
funny humor thickness
My socks DO match. They're the same thickness. Steven Wright