Quotes about funny
funny summer orchestra
Brass, stay down all summer. Eugene Ormandy
funny mean orchestra
Accelerando means in tempo. Don't rush. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra remember
It's difficult to remember when you haven't played it before. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra follow-me
Please follow me because I have to follow him and he isn't here. Eugene Ormandy
funny men wife
With us tonight is William Warfield, who is with us tonight. He is a wonderful man, and so is his wife. Eugene Ormandy
funny play guy
That's the way Stravinsky was. Bup, bup, bup, bup. The poor guy's dead now. Play it legato. Eugene Ormandy
funny flower mean
Mahler wrote it as the third movement of his Fourth Symphony. I mean the fourth movement of his First Symphony. We play it third. The trumpet solo will be played by our solo trumpet player. It's named 'Blumine,' which has something to do with flowers. Eugene Ormandy
funny sick orchestra
Serkin was so sick he almost died for three days. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra want
Let me explain what I do here. I don't want to confuse you any more than absolutely necessary. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra knows
Let's start at 35 because I don't know where it is. Eugene Ormandy
funny writing orchestra
Write it down in your own handwriting. Eugene Ormandy
funny men play
Bizet was a very young man when he composed this symphony, so play it softly. Eugene Ormandy
funny play numbers
We have to play it longer because there are no numbers or letters. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra tomorrow
We do not know when he is coming. He is coming tomorrow. Eugene Ormandy
funny listening orchestra
He was listening so I don't remember. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra smugglers
I can see none of you are smugglers; that's why it's so loud. Eugene Ormandy
funny memories orchestra
I know this music from memory, not from the music. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra faster
I always feel I do it too slow, but then others do it faster. Eugene Ormandy
funny symphony years
Muti is going to do the Alpine Symphony this year. He will do it well because it is not very well known. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra want
Why do you always start after my beat then rush to catch up? Do you want us to stay behind? Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra
Yes, the mutes are already on. You took them off in the beginning. Eugene Ormandy
funny opposites yesterday
That was perfect. It was just the opposite from what I said yesterday. Eugene Ormandy
funny numbers missing
There is a number missing. I can see it. Eugene Ormandy
funny thinking orchestra
Don't think you are looking at me because you are not. Eugene Ormandy
funny new-york congratulations
Congratulations to each and every one of you for the concert last night in New York and vice versa. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra vices
Thank you for your cooperation and vice versa. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra sitting
Who is sitting in that empty chair? Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra conducting
I'm conducting slowly because I don't know the tempo. Eugene Ormandy
funny orchestra faster
I conduct faster so you can see my beat. Eugene Ormandy
funny giving trying
I cannot give it to you, so try to watch me. Eugene Ormandy
funny play orchestra
Without him here, it is impossible to know how fast he will play it, approximately. Eugene Ormandy
funny airplane balance
We can't hear the balance yet because the soloist is still on the airplane. Eugene Ormandy
funny people devil
People have discovered that they can fool the devil; but they can't fool the neighbors. Francis Bacon